

Holy Foolishness in Russia: New Perspectives (Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publications, 2011)

Articles ::

Foolishness. Encyclopedia article in: Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online. 2022.

From the Tabennisi Nunnery to Pussy Riot: Female Holy Fools in Byzantium and Russia. In: Canadian Slavonic Papers, Vol. 60, Not. 1-2, March-June 2018.

Holy Foolishness and its Hellenistic Models: Serapion the Sindonites or Serapion the Cynic? In: Madeleine Gray (ed.) Rewriting Holiness. London, UK: King's College London Medieval Studies, 2017.

Lice in the Iron Cap: Holy Foolishness in PerspectivePriscilla Hunt & Svitlana Kobets (eds.) Holly Foolishness in Russia: New Perspectives Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publications, 2011.

Isaakii of the Kiev Caves Monastery: an Ascetic Feigning Madness or a Madman-Turned-Saint. Priscilla Hunt & Svitlana Kobets (eds.) Holly Foolishness in Russia: New Perspectives Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publications, 2011.

An Illuminated Vita of Andrew the Fool of Constantinople from the Hilandar Research Library at Ohio State University: Preliminary Notes on the Manuscript and IlluminationsPriscilla Hunt & Svitlana Kobets (eds.) Holly Foolishness in Russia: New Perspectives Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publications, 2011.

Юродство и юродствование в пост-советском кино: Покаяние (1986) Абуладзе, Такси-Блюз (1990) и Остров (2006) ЛунгинаToronto Slavic Quarterly. No 28, Spring 2009.

Folly, Foolishness, Foolery. Review of Sergey A. Ivanov, Holy Fools in Byzantium and Beyond. Translated by Simon Franklin. New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.

The Paradigm of the Hebrew Prophet and the Russian Tradition of IurodstvoCanadian Slavonic Papers/Revue canadienne des slaviste, Special Issue: Canadian Contributions to the XIV International Congress of Slavists, 2008, Macedonia. PDF format


Ïàðàäèãìà ñâÿòîñòè â ðîìàíå Ñâåòëàíû Âàñèëåíêî «Äóðî÷êà». Ëèõà÷åâñêèé Ñáîðíèê. Ðîìàäàíîâñêàÿ Åëåíà Íèêîëàåâíà (ðåä.). Òîìñê, èíñòèòóò ôèëîëîãèè è ôèëîñîôèè. Ïðèëîæåíèå ê æóðíàëó ôèëîëîãè÷åñêèõ íàóê, ñèáèðñêîå îòäåëåíèå àêàäåìèè íàóê Ðîññèè, 2007.

From Fool to Mother to Savior: the Poetics of Orthodox Christianity and Folklore in Svetlana Vasilenko's Novel-Vita Little Fool (Durochka). Slavic and East European Journal. Vol. 51 No. 1, Spring of 2006. 

Quest for Selfhood and Dystopia in Valerii Shevchuk's The Eye of the Abyss. Canadian Slavonic Papers/Revue canadienne des slaviste, vol.XLVIII, Nos. 1-2, March-June 2006, 1-19.PDF format

“Discovering the Universe Between the Feminine and Masculine: Valerii Shevchuk’s Hunchback Zoia, Canadian Slavonic Papers, vol. 44, no. 1 (March-June 2002): 39-60.

“The Subtext of Christian Asceticism in Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn`s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 42, No.4, Winter of 1998, 661-676; reprint in: Jeffrey W. Hunter (ed.) Contemporary Literary Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Today’s Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short Story Writers, Scriptwriters, and Other Creative Writers, Farmington Hills, MI: The Gale Group, January 2001, Vol. 134, 314-322.

”Foolishness in Christ: East vs. West”, Canadian-American Slavic Studies, Vol 34, No. 3, Fall of 2000, 337-364

“The Russian Paradigm of Iurodstvo and its Genesis in Novgorod”, Russian Literature XLVIII, Fall of 2000, 367-388


Encyclopedia Articles ::

“‘Fire of Kupala` by Ihor Kalynets”, encyclopedia article in: Derek Jones, ed. Censorship: an International Encyclopedia, (London, England: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers), 2001

“‘Internationalism or Russification?’ by Ivan Dziuba”, IN SAME

“Ivan Svitlychnyi”, IN SAME

“‘O Ukraine, Our Soviet Land’ by Petro Shelest”, IN SAME

“‘To the Kurdish Brother’ by Vasyl Symonenko”, IN SAME

“Ukraine -- Country Study”, IN SAME

“‘Winter Trees’ by Vasyl Stus”, IN SAME

“Ukrainian Romanticism: Historical and Cultural Survey”, encyclopedia article in: Chris Murray, ed. Encyclopedia of the Romantic Era, 1760-1850 (London, England: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers), 2003

“Taras Shevchenko (1814-1861)”, IN SAME


 Reviews ::

Bodin, Per-Arne. Language, Canonization and Holy Foolishness: Studies in Post-Soviet Russian Culture and the Orthodox Tradition. Stockholm Slavic Studies 38. Stockholm: Stockholm University, 2009. 326 pp. 16 photos. Index. Cloth. Russian Review Vol. 70, 2011, No. 1, 166-167.

Daniel Rancour-Laferriere. "The Joy of All Who Sorrow: Icons of the Mother of God in Russia." Moskva: Nauchno-izdatel'kii tsentr "Ladomir," 2005. Slavic and East European Journal, 5.3, Fall 2007, 644-646.


Jennifer Jean Wynot. Keeping the Faith: Russian Orthodox Monasticism in the Soviet Union, 1917-1939. College Station, Texas: Texas A&M University Press. 2004. Slavic and East European Journal, 48.4, Winter, 2004.

George O. Liber, Alexander Dovzhenko: A Life in Soviet Film. London: British Film Institute, 2002. Slavic and East European Journal  48.1, Spring, 2004. 

Yuri Zaretsky, “Autobiographical Selves from Saint Augustine to Protopope Avvakum: Essays on the History of European Individual. Moscow, 2002. Canadian Slavonic Papers March-June 2004, Vol. XLVI, Nos. 1-2, 225-226. 

Felch, Susan M., Contino, Paul J. (eds.), Bakhtin and Religion: A Feeling for Faith. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2001, Accepted for publication by Canadian Slavonic Papers, Edmonton AB

Sergius Bulgakov, The Bride of the Lamb. Boris Jakim (trans.) Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2002. Canadian Slavonic Papers Vol. XLV, Nos. 3-4, 500-501.

Irina Sirotkina. Diagnosing Literary Genius: A Cultural History of Psychiatry in Russia, 1880-1930. Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002. Slavic and East European Journal, 47.2, Summer, 2003

Inna Broude. “That’s the movies. Russian films of the 1990s.” Tenafty, N.J.: Herritage Publishers, 2001. Slavic and East European Journal, 46.4, Winter, 2002

Ingunn Lunde, (ed.) Kirill of Turov: Bishop, Preacher, Hymnographer. Bergen: Department of Russian Studies, University of Bergen, 2000. Slavic and East European Journal, 46.1, Spring 2002, 204-206

Christine D. Worobec, Possessed: Women, Witches, and Demons in Imperial Russia, DeKalb: Nothern Illinois University Press, 2001. Canadian Slavonic Papers, Edmonton AB, Vol. XLIII, Nos. 2-3, June-September 2001, 404-406

Barbara Lennkvist, Larisa Mokroborodova (eds.) Den’ poezii Mariny Tsvetaevoi.  Sbornik Statei. Finland: Åbo/Turku, 1997. Canadian Slavonic Papers, Edmonton AB, Vol. XLIII, No. 1, March 2000, 129-131

Sergei A. Ivanov. Vizantiiskoie iurodstvo. Moskva: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia, 1994, Slavic and East European Journal, Summer 1998, 305-306

Oksana Zabuzhko. Poliovi doslidzhennia z ukrains’kogo seksu. Kyiv: Zgoda, 1996, Slavic and East European Journal, Spring 1997

Elizabeth-Anne Stewart. Jesus the Holy Fool. Franklin, Wisconsin: Sheed and Ward, 2000. Written for Logos, Ottawa, Canada

 Translations ::

Aleksandr Mikhailovich Panchenko, Laughter as Spectacle (transl. from Russian) Holy Foolishness in Russia: New Perspectives (Bloomington, IN: Slavica Publications, 2011)

Evhenia Kononenko, On Sunday Morning, (transl. from Ukrainian) Ukrainian Literature, Vol. 1, 2004

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